
"Where you look affects how you feel"

Brainspotting is a therapeutic technique that was developed by psychologist Dr. David Grand in 2003. It aims to help individuals access and process unresolved trauma and other emotional issues that may be causing distress.

The technique involves the use of eye positions or "brainspots" to help individuals access and process trauma and other difficult emotions. A brainspot is a specific point in an individual's field of vision that is associated with a particular emotional or physical sensation in the body.

During a brainspotting session, the therapist helps the individual identify a brainspot by having them focus on a particular point in their visual field that is associated with the issue they want to work on. The therapist then guides the individual in processing their emotions and sensations that arise in response to the brainspot.

Brainspotting is thought to work by accessing the subcortical brain structures where trauma and other emotional issues are stored. By accessing these structures through the use of eye positions, individuals may be able to process and release unresolved emotions and trauma.